贾斯汀·鲁伊斯, 市场营销专家 in Croton-on-Hudson, NY, United States
贾斯汀 is 可用 租用
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验证专家  in 市场营销


Croton-on-Hudson, NY, United States

贾斯汀 is a digital marketing and 电子商务 growth specialist with experience in the food and beverage, 厨房用具, 户外行业. As a skilled digital marketing leader, he is able to drive traffic to 电子商务 channels and influence conversion once they get there. 贾斯汀 has special expertise in digital advertising, 从属营销, 亚马逊 advertising and marketplace 管理, 搜索引擎优化, 用户体验设计, D2C电子商务, 数字营销, 和销售团队.



  • Managed and oversaw all 电子商务 and digital advertising activities for superv.com across an omnichannel marketplace, i.e., 亚马逊, 沃尔玛, and Instacart.
  • Supervised two direct reports—associate 亚马逊 电子商务 manager and associate 电子商务 manager—who led 亚马逊 Seller Central, 亚马逊供应商中心, the Shopify 管理 platform, and the omnichannel 管理 platform.
  • Forecasted and allocated advertising budget across digital paid ads through 亚马逊, 沃尔玛, Instacart, 谷歌, Criteo, and social media channels such as Instagram and Facebook.
  • Managed vendors and sellers through multichannel marketplace 管理 via 沃尔玛, Instacart, 目标, 克罗格, and additional online grocery stores.


  • 设计 and built the company's website offering ski reviews on all skiing-related things, 包括高山滑雪板, 滑雪靴, 滑雪杆, 冬天的齿轮, 和更多的.
  • Launched and 管理 the company's 从属营销 program using AvantLink, CJ附属, 和亚马逊合作伙伴网络.
  • Managed multiple digital advertising campaigns via 谷歌广告, Facebook, and Instagram.

数字营销 Specialist

2020 - 2021
  • 策划产品, 管理 电子商务 website and content, 负责销售, 优化内部网站搜索, 处理用户体验设计, and performed A/B testing 和报告. 创建 weekly and monthly 电子商务 reports and analyzed KPIs for growth.
  • Managed day-to-day 1P and 3P operations for 亚马逊 Marketplace, 包括产品设置, 销售, 复制编辑, 亚马逊的促销活动, 和Vine项目. Collaborated one on one with 亚马逊 account managers to grow within our category.
  • 创建, 管理, 优化后的产品, 品牌, and demand-side platform (DSP) campaigns for 亚马逊 Ads. 建 and optimized 亚马逊 store pages.
  • Launched and 管理 the Seiko Watch affiliate program and onboarded dozens of major publishers.

数字营销 and 电子商务 Associate

2015 - 2020
  • 创建, 管理, 优化后的产品, 品牌, and DSP campaigns. Launched 亚马逊 store pages and surpassed 2019 ad revenue goals with an average return of 9:1 across all 品牌s.
  • Launched and 管理 从属营销 that is now a category leader and on pace to double 2020 revenue goals while maintaining 10:1+ returns.
  • 建, 设计, and 管理 over eight websites for the ZWILLING Group's 品牌s, 包括用户体验设计, 数字营销, 内容创作, 管理, 和文案.
  • Managed an 电子商务 site by curating products, 管理内容, 销售, 调优内部网站搜索, 设计用户体验, 进行A/B测试, 和报告.
  • 设计, 实现, and administered multiple Salesforce clouds within the organization, including Help Desk Software, 销售云, 云服务, 和商业云.

网站管理 for Manufacturing Company

建, 设计, 策划, and 管理 over eight websites for one of the largest manufacturers of kitchen products.

I played a key role in 用户体验设计, 数字营销, 内容创作, 管理, 和文案 for a leading company producing cutlery, 炊具, 和餐具. The corporation has six unique 品牌s known worldwide and operates in many countries.


创建 and 管理 a website for a cooking studio and helped build and run its business.

The cooking studio is 设计 to offer culinary classrooms and dinner parties, allowing customers to test their cooking skills but also learn valuable techniques that can be used at home.

As a digital marketing associate, 我建, 设计, and 管理 the cooking studio's website, 包括用户体验设计, 数字营销, 内容创作, 和文案. In addition, I assisted in building and curating the business.


Launched and 管理 a ski gear review website, partnering with some of the best 品牌s and athletes in the industry.

The website provides reviews on all things skiing, 包括高山滑雪板, 滑雪靴, 波兰人, 冬天的齿轮, 和更多的. It has sections that offer honest product reviews of the best and leading 品牌s in the ski industry.
2013 - 2015

Certification in Business and Entrepreneurship

Westchester Community College - Valhalla, New York, USA

2013 - 2015

Associate's Degree in 市场营销

Westchester Community College - Valhalla, New York, USA


谷歌广告 Search Certificate



亚马逊 Display Ads Accreditation



Salesforce Trailhead Ranger



数字营销, 付费广告, 搜索引擎优化审计, 数字广告, 从属营销, 销售业绩, 谷歌广告, Facebook的广告, 数字营销策略, 转化率 Optimization (CRO), 点击付费(PPC), 谷歌AdWords, Search Engine Optimization (搜索引擎优化), Search Engine 市场营销 (SEM), Social Media 市场营销 (SMM), A / B测试, 市场营销分析, 广告活动, 广告活动, 公共关系(PR), 谷歌广告, 增长的黑客, 电子邮件营销, 文案

平台 & 工具

亚马逊 营销服务 (AMS), Instagram广告, 数字广告 平台, 沃尔玛连接, Instacart广告, Salesforce营销云, 谷歌分析, 亚马逊供应商中心




数字战略, 电子商务, 网站管理, 网络用户体验, 网页内容, 直接对消费者(D2C), 增长的市场营销, 转化率, 营销归因, 数字营销 Product Manager, 用户体验(UX), 网站流量, 付费媒体, 亚马逊, Salesforce, 企业管理, Shopify, 网页设计, 款, Salesforce商务云, Salesforce服务云, 报告, 启动策略, 谷歌显示网络, 数据分析, 产品策略, 产品发布, 演出经济, 创业公司, 谷歌优化



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