Taiwanese Developer Hsiao Wei Chen Wins Seventh Toptal Scholarship


San Francisco, CA, June 16, 2016 — On October 21, Toptal launched Toptal STEM Scholarships for Women, 这是一个旨在授权和支持下一代女性计算机科学家的项目, software engineers, 并通过财政支持和指导相结合的方式帮助开发者.

今天,我们激动地宣布第七届奖学金得主, Hsiao Wei Chen, 她是一位台湾游戏开发者,希望在菲律宾为游戏开发者创办自己的孵化器, where she was raised, and in Taiwan. 她计划将获得的奖学金用于在英国伯明翰城市大学攻读电子游戏企业与制作硕士学位, 这反过来又能帮助萧发展她创办游戏孵化器所需的商业知识.

Ultimately, Hsiao wants to understand every part of the game development process, “from programming, to completion, to distribution, and marketing,这样她就可以让自己国家的其他游戏开发者独立开发自己的游戏,并将其推向市场.

“Hsiao has a big dream, and she’s very driven to achieve it,” said Anna Chiara-Bellini, Toptal’s Director of Engineering, who leads the scholarship’s committee of judges. “Gaming is a very tight niche so she has a hard task at hand. 此外,她在菲律宾创办孵化器的梦想是一个非常艰巨的挑战. We were nervous the project was too big for one person to take on.”

“However, when Hsiao explained how much she knows, how much she loves the gaming industry, and all the ideas she has to help her thrive in such a difficult market, we knew if anyone was up for the challenge, she was. 我们致力于帮助她攻读硕士学位,并为她匹配合适的导师,帮助她实现游戏孵化器的梦想.”

As a scholarship winner, Hsiao will receive $5,000 to further her educational and professional development goals, 以及来自Toptal网络的高级软件工程师为期一年的每周一对一的专业指导.

Hsiao’s Toptal STEM Scholarships for Women application

Hsiao第一次知道这个奖学金是在寻找机会帮助她支付她的视频游戏企业和制作硕士课程的费用时. 她立即被Toptal STEM女性奖学金所吸引,因为申请要求她为GitHub做出贡献. A major contributor to open source, Hsiao keeps a blog 在那里她发布了关于如何开发游戏以及如何使用Android和iOS插件的教程.

Collaboration and teaching are integral to Hsiao’s learning process. She explains, “Whenever I learn something myself, I post about it on my blog and answer other developers’ questions.作为应用程序的一部分,为开源做出贡献是她继续磨练自己技能的习惯的一种明确方式,同时也回馈了开发者社区.

这种一对一的指导将为她提供关键的指导,帮助她培养作为工程师和企业家的技能. “I still have lots of skills that I need to develop,” Hsiao said. “有一位导师可以解答我所有的问题,这对我的成功至关重要.”

About Hsiao

萧潇在高中时就爱上了编程,并在大学获得了计算机科学学位. “我一直是学校电脑俱乐部和多媒体俱乐部的成员,”萧回忆道. After graduating, 她从菲律宾搬到台湾,希望建立她在那些俱乐部找到的同样的支持系统. She learned about Global Game Jam, 这是一场黑客马拉松,众多台湾游戏开发者聚在一起,连续48小时编写代码,开发新游戏.

通过了解台湾小型但充满活力的“独立游戏开发者社区”, Hsiao在菲律宾实现了她的梦想,让独立游戏开发成为有抱负的开发者——尤其是有抱负的女性开发者——更可行的职业道路.

“Because we’re still a so-called third-world country, 对于开发者来说,独立开发新游戏是非常困难的,” Hsiao said. “There’s little to no financial incentive to go after these ideas, no matter how good they are, 我知道许多非常有才华的开发者,只要他们有足够的资金,他们就能创造出很棒的游戏. That’s why I want to create an incubator – to give them that support.”

Hsiao自己的游戏开发过程是一个家庭事务——她的姐妹和室友都是艺术家, so whenever she creates a new game concept, 她有三位艺术家在她的处置,以帮助她可视化和构建产品.

Currently, she is working on an IoT pedometer for kids called Nabi Compete, which lets users earn coins for steps. 玩家可以将这些货币兑换成游戏,并为虚拟宠物购买食物. “我们的想法是让孩子们更活跃,激发一些健康的竞争,让锻炼变得真正有趣.” With each iteration of her apps, she bounces ideas off of her siblings, who are both extremely well versed in both 2D and 3D design.

Ultimately, Hsiao希望为游戏开发者和美工创造一个平等协作的工作环境,从而将游戏开发从一个超级小众市场转变为一个小众市场, 从菲律宾的一个小产业转变为一个由独立开发者组成的蓬勃发展的社区.

请和我们一起祝贺游戏开发者陈晓薇成为Toptal STEM女性奖学金项目的第七位获奖者!

About Toptal STEM Scholarships for Women

Toptal STEM女性奖学金是为女性提供的一系列12项奖学金,每月颁发一次,为期一年, with Hsiao being the seventh scholarship winner. 世界各地任何教育水平的女性都有资格申请赢得5美元奖金,每年的一对一技术培训和来自Toptal高级技术专家的指导,以帮助他们追求成为未来专业软件工程师的目标.

The prior scholarship winners are Rojina Bajracharya from Nepal, Ana Sustic from Slovenia, Gabriela Mancini from Argentina, Tondi Butler from America, Rachell Calhoun, also from America, and Yasett Acurana from Bolivia.

申请Toptal女性开发者奖学金,并了解更多有关该计划的信息, visit http://caser.bigearsrecordingstudio.com/scholarships.

About Toptal

Founded in 2010, Toptal是硅谷涌现的发展最快、最具创新性的公司之一. With backing from Andreessen Horowitz, Silicon Valley’s famed venture capital firm, Adam D’Angelo, founder of Quora, Ryan Rockefeller, and other investors, 今天,Toptal连接了来自世界各地的数千名精英自由软件工程师和设计师,000 blue chips such as J.P. Morgan and Pfizer, tech companies such as Airbnb and Zendesk, 以及众多初创公司提供世界级的解决方案,以满足最复杂和最具挑战性的需求. Toptal的快速增长证明了客户需求的爆炸式增长,以及公司服务无与伦比的质量和可靠性.

Media Inquiries

Joellen Ferrer
Toptal, LLC
+1 (415) 308-8209

When Hsiao explained how much she knows, how much she loves the gaming industry, and all the ideas she has to help her thrive in such a difficult market, we knew if anyone was up for the challenge, she was.

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